CEO People Helping People

Frequently Asked Questions


 What are the eligibility criteria for Weatherization?

Homeowners or renters must reside in Luzerne County.
  • The household income must fall within established Poverty Income Guidelines set by the Department of Community and Economic Development Office of Community Services.
  • Households who are eligible under the Low-Income Heating Energy Assistance Program and those households which receive payments under Title XVI (SSI) or Title IV (TANF) are auto-eligible with regard to income eligibility.
  • The residence, regardless of the current occupants, has not been previously weatherized in the past 15 years.

 Which applicants are prioritized?

Once application is made and applicant is determined eligible, each weatherization agency is required to give priority to
  • Elderly persons
  • Persons with disabilities
  • Families with children
  • Households with high energy consumption
  • Households with high energy burden

 Is there a cost to me or to my landlord?

The weatherization measures are provided at no cost to the homeowner or tenant.  If you are a renter, your landlord will be required to sign an agreement allowing you to participate in the weatherization program.  If the heat and/or electric is provided by the landlord, the landlord may be required to contribute a percentage of the installed materials and labor costs.  

 What weatherization measures will my residence receive?

Each residence is independently audited using a blower door and audit tool.  Depending on the dwelling, a residence may be eligible for measures such as  insulation, weather-stripping and repair of exterior doors, caulking and repair of windows, door sweeps, pipe wrapping, clean and service of the heating unit, water conservation measures and smoke detectors/carbon monoxide detectors.

If the home is found to have pre-existing conditions that would prevent weatherization measures from being installed, the home will be deferred until such time that the deferral issues are corrected.  Income eligibility may have to be redetermined if too much time has passed.  

 After qualifying, how long will it be before my home is weatherized?

Generally,  we can weatherize a home within 6 months of an approved application.  We currently have a waitlist for applications.  

 How do I apply?

You can complete the online form on this site at the "How Do I Apply?" on the Home Page, or contact our agency at 570-288-8458 or 1-800-822-0359 Monday through Friday.  We will ask for some general information to place you on our Request for Service List.  All information is kept confidential.
Commission on Economic Opportunity Weatherization